Sunday, January 23, 2011

Tips For Potty Training Multiple Children

Toilet training one child is a challenge, but potty training multiple children can be like entering into a battle field. You need lots of equipment, extra training time, and a bigger mess to clean up. Not to mention an enormous amount of patience on the part of the care giver. You are bound to come across extra challenges.

One advantage you will have potty training multiple children is you have the benefit of peer pressure. Siblings and friends typically have a big influence on each other, and that also counts for toilet habits and behavior, so many can see it as being one step ahead. You will no doubt have challenges facing you when potty training boys or girls. We have included 4 tips on potty training multiple children.

1. Get More Than One Potty Chair: It is counter productive to have one toddler waiting while the other uses the potty. Toilet training toddlers is difficult enough without having a battle over potty chairs. Children will respond much better knowing they have their own chair. A sense of ownership makes them happy and they will sit on it often.

2. Think Of Separating The Children: Because there is a natural intensity around children when they are together, it may be better to train them separately. This will also allow you to have some one on one time with the toddler. You will most likely have their undivided attention as well.

3. Have A Routine: In any aspect of a child's life, routines are important. Establishing a routine in toilet training is no different. This will surely make the process smoother and more pleasant. Also be flexible, when the children know it is potty time, it is ok to bring toys or books in the bathroom with them. Potty time should be a fun time!

4. Reward Their Successes: Children love verbal praise for their successes. Some will even respond to their favorite treat as well when they have successfully used the toilet. However, if you see one child more interested in potty training than the other, it is important not to over do the praise in front of the other child. This will make the other child feel inferior and the toddler will less likely be interested in using the potty.

Potty training multiple children can be a great and rewarding experience. It is important to let the children take the lead. If they don't show signs of being ready or if they have no interest in sitting on the potty, we should be patient. Continue to encourage them, but never get angry with them. This will only make the process longer and more difficult.

To learn how I was able to potty train my son and daughter in less than 3 days check out For more information on potty training check out potty training boys and girls

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