Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Potty Elmo Seduces the Toddler to Go Potty

What makes Potty Elmo such a winner with children? The commercial world is quick to latch on to the imagination of children and Elmo has personality plus. He performs his antics and is as a real person to the child and consequently the child is so open to anything about Elmo.

Here's the comment of one parent doing potty Elmo training:

"I was hoping my son would want to go potty just like Elmo but instead he just love Putting ELMO on the potty (and giving him "water") Too much fun for its own good! However it did give our son something to start the process of potty training."

What the two to three year old loves most they imitate they are born imitators and they soak in the things that grab their imagination and then without much prompting they copy the action.

The lovable character of potty Elmo is irresistible to most children. He is non- threatening and puts no expectation or pressure on the child which is not always true of every Potty training method.

The character Potty Elmo seduces the child into following and parent who have experienced the Potty Elmo with their children are delighted with the fast learning that takes place.

Their are similar Potty training products to Potty Elmo on the market but Elmo is a clean version where he only pretends to urinate or drink while other trainers like the Scotty and Patty dolls actually present water.

It is perhaps the conversationalist nature of Elmo that gets the children in . Elmo will ask for a drink and sing a song while doing his potty and has another song for when he misses his potty time . Its fun for children with Potty Elmo and avoids some of the more stressful forced programs that produce anxiety in both parent and child.

Potty training is of great interest to the parent and especially the parent of today who understands the sub-conscious mindsets that are created in the child. The child who is anxious and feels pressured may well become the 'anal' adult who holds on to his adult possessions . While not to explore this theory here it is enough to know that the blotting paper mind of the child creates imprints for further character and personality patterns.

So if potty training is fun and the child enjoys the experience and is proud to show what she or he has done you are on the right road to shaping some of the inner mindsets of the person.Potty Elmo wins out here because the whole experience is a fun experience

See the Potty Elmo video and get 9 feature videos on potty training at [].

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