Saturday, June 18, 2011

Patio Potty - This One I Like!

A patio potty is the perfect solution for dog owners who need a grassy place close by for their dog. But finding just the right one can take some time and patience. I've been looking at a lot of dog potties lately and I found one recently that really caught my eye.

It's called the Porch Potty and here's why I like it so much...

1. First off, it has a great price. For everything it offers you really can't beat the price compared to other potties on the market. It's really important that you look at all your choices so you will know what you are getting for the money you spend.

2. Very, very low maintenance to keep this patio potty up. It has a built in drainage system that you can set up to flow into a gutter, a floor drain or even a flowerbed. That means no catch pan! I hate those things as they can overflow and then you have a smelly mess on your hands. With this set up, you never have to touch anything... it all drains off. Now that's sweet!

3. Keeping this thing clean is a breeze cause you can get it with an automatic sprinkler system that has a timer and everything. You hook it up to your water supply and then set the timer and voila!... it cleans itself so you don't have to. Now you still do need to remove the poop but it washes everything else through the drain. This is so important because if it does not have an easy way to be cleaned, it can get very, very smelly fast.

4. You can get real grass and synthetic grass. The real grass is great for training as dogs really "get in the mood" if they smell the real thing. Once they get use to the potty then you can replace it with synthetic grass and they will be trained to go on it.

All in all, I'll have to say, I am very impressed with this patio potty for dogs.

You can take a look at this patio potty at and see what you think. Don't forget to grab the coupon code while you're there and you will save $15 too!

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